"Fast and Furious" franchises are known for its success in their past seven installments and even considered as one of the most long-running franchises during their run. Likewise, "Fast and Furious" franchises always marked a high satisfaction to viewers. Back when he was doing press rounds for 2015’s Furious 7, Vin Diesel made some pretty bold statements about the movie deserving to be nominated for an Academy Award. It, of course, wasn’t, which should come as no surprise, even though it was a critical and box office success, but that hasn’t stopped our buddy Vin, who is now saying that the next film in the franchise, Fast 8, should be Oscar-worthy.
Compared to previous installments in the Fast & Furious series, Diesel explained the eighth edition is different and very dark. "My character is conflicted in a way that is really going to shock you," he said. "He’s coming off of a lot of emotion Seven, and the loss that seven represents… it’s kind of cold-blooded. It is going to hit you like a ton of bricks. Everything is going to make sense."
While the movie is not coming to theaters until next year, the 49-year-old actor promised fans in New York City could expect to see the first trailer before Christmas.
“December 11, every screen in Times Square will be playing the trailer, and it’s going to hit you like a ton of bricks.”
Fast 8 is being directed by F Gary Gray, who is best known for Straight Outta Compton, a movie which was nominated for the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay, but which failed to secure victory.
Fast and Furious 8 rolls into theaters on April 14, 2017. Fast and Furious 9 hits on April 19, 2019, and Fast and Furious 10 hits theaters on April 2, 2021.
Fast 8 2017 HD Movie